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Gary Numan health: ‘I find social situations difficult’ Star discusses mental conditition

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Speaking to Irish News, Numan said: “Yes. I do have Asperger’s Syndrome.

“I find social situations difficult, especially if I have to make small talk. It’s hard to read body language or the little nuances that go to make up a conversation.

“Fortunately, I have Gemma to help me. Unlike my wife, whose care of our home borders on OCD and would put me to shame, I’m not obsessive in that way.

“But, in things that interest me, I do tend to fixate and take obsession to the extreme.

“For example, when I was into planes and air-display flying, I wasn’t happy with simply taking part. I had to become a qualified examiner.

“Same thing happened with boats: I simply had to know everything there was to know about them. On the whole, I think having Asperger’s has been a good thing.

“It’s given me a slightly different view of the world and I truly believe it helped get me through some hard times. I’d never wish it away.”

Daily Express :: Health Feed

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