10 Ways to Stay Motivated to Boost Your Weight Loss Efforts

While weight loss concepts are not difficult to understand, weight loss itself is, in a very real sense, not such an easy task. No surprise there, right?!? Individuals who try to lose weight have to remain motivated for them to achieve their goal – if it were only as easy as it sounds!

There is a lot of research out there which suggest that some techniques used for losing weight are in fact demotivating during weight loss efforts.

This is really frustrating to many people, if not all, so finding ways to keep themselves going and move past the frustration is critical for success.

Thankfully many have gone down this road before you and there is plenty of help available, like the ten ways to stay motivated listed below:

1. Stop trying too hard

Losing weight takes effort, I think everybody can agree with that. The thing that can take the wind out of your sails quicker than anything is putting a lot of effort in and getting minimal results. What’s worse is the friend who’s following the same program you are and is dropping weight like crazy! The thing that we all have to accept is that each of us is different, so results will vary. Stick with it anyhow. There’s going to be days where you do everything wrong, eat the wrong food, miss your workout, too many calories etc., etc. Hey it happens, get back on the program the following day and don’t beat your self up over it. Stick with it anyhow, do your best, just don’t try so hard that you give up.

2. Focus on your feelings

It’s important to remember why you want to lose weight and to not let it become overwhelming. How you feel during your weight loss journey is just as important as losing the weight. Having a good outlook will help you stay positive which in turn will help you stay motivated which will help you to shed pounds. Losing weight can get frustrating and become emotional, which is OK if it does, being human is all of that and more. The key is to be aware of your emotions, stay positive and feel good about yourself because you are doing something to be proud of!

3. Reward yourself for realizing some goals

Reward yourself for your successes. If losing a half a pound is something that took you real effort, then get some folks together who support you and have a little celebration! It will be different for everybody so it’s not really about losing a half a pound in a week or five pounds in a week it’s about acknowledging your efforts and celebrating some small milestones. The small ones lead to bigger ones which in a lot of ways are their own reward – reward yourself anyhow, you deserve it! Buy yourself some clothes, take a weekend trip with a friend, go see a show, invite a friend over or anything that you’ll enjoy and will lift you up!

4. Always act as if

Act as if you have already lost the weight, as if you have achieved your goals. It may sound a little silly, but what you are doing is starting to change your mindset. You are starting to believe in yourself! The funniest thing happens when you do that, you start expecting yourself to succeed and then even crazier, you actually start to succeed! Believe in yourself and you can achieve anything you set you mind to!! Believe it and you’ll be amazed at how motivated you are!

5. Hang your motivation by the mirror

Take anything that you are looking forward to wearing and hang it on your mirror and think about how good you will feel when you put it on. If not the actual clothing item, then a picture of it, whether it’s a picture of of it on a model or just the clothes is up to you, whichever gets you fired up! This will help motivate and remind you why you set these goals in the first place as you look forward to achieving your personal weight goal.

6. Love yourself

If you are overweight or just trying to lose weight then there may have been times that you came down harder on yourself than anyone every would about overeating, eating to many sweets or not reaching a goal. Rule number one about, not only losing weight, but about life is you have got to accept and love yourself! Life is hard enough, so there’s no need to make it any harder than it already is! Love yourself, give yourself a break if you slip or even fall. Your more likely to get back up, keep trying and succeeding if you don’t feel like a loser.

7. Get competitive

When losing weight, you have to find a way to compete with others and make sure you stay competitive among them because it will enable you keep going. A study which was recently published in a journal addressing obesity, chronicled a  groups social influence on weight loss. It was observed that social influence can lead to competition which in some cases lead up to twenty percent loss of body weight compared to if it were done alone. The idea behind this is you cannot compete with yourself. There is another study which shows that most team leaders in these groups cut more weight than their team members and this is because of their involvement and position in the team competition.

8. Don’t critique yourself

Don’t ever critic yourself when it comes to weight loss because it will sabotage your efforts and cause you to get and even stay frustrated. In fact several studies recommend that if you realize that you are slipping into a “self critique mode” take a few deep breaths focus on why you are losing weight, what you have accomplished and encourage yourself by reminding yourself that you can do it and that can aid in shifting you to a more positive psychological state. It can enable you look yourself in the mirror and believe in yourself.

9. Keep a weight loss journal

Keep track of of all the things that have enabled you lose some weight. Having record of your journey and what is working for you will encourage you to stay with it and keep you motivated! You should also document why you are trying to shed weight which may contain things like improving your confidence, being a role model to your children and being healthier among other things. Peruse through this journal every now and then, especially when you are struggling or feeling a little down and it should motivate you to keep up your efforts.

10. Always believe that the sky is the limit

Sometimes you may do everything to cut your weight right only you are not seeing the results you are working for.  Remember everyone faces obstacles, but it the ones who don’t quit who see that the sky is the limit. Set short term goal and long term goals and don’t be afraid to dream a little when you are setting them. Set some stretch goals that will challenge you. Taking one small piece at a time is a lot like building a wall. Brick by brick it is tedious work, but before you know it you’ve build a sky scraper!

For those who want to lose weight it is important to note that the journey is not always as easy as you may imagine. Instead, it requires personal sacrifice, focus and some determination. There will be trials along the way that may cause you to want to quit instead of staying with your program. Choose not to allow that to happen. All in all, love yourself; appreciate any portion of your achievement, reward yourself and always remain positive regardless of the circumstances you may find yourself in and you will succeed!

You can do it!! We believe in you!!

Motivation – Fast Weight Loss (FWL)

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