An RD’s Easy Vegan Butternut Squash Soup Recipe

Miriam Jacobson, MS, RD, CNS, shares a vegan butternut squash soup recipe that’ll promote good health and delight your tastebuds all winter long.

Like most winter squashes, butternut squash is very healthy for you and a great addition to your winter meal plan. Here’s how to make vegan butternut squash soup to stay warm and nourished as the temperatures drop.

Nutrition Highlights

Before getting to the vegan butternut squash soup recipe, let’s first look at the nutrition highlights of the star ingredient of this savory cold-weather staple.

Butternut squash contains a ton of different carotenoids, which are antioxidants that help reduce cellular stress and damage. Squash also contains pectin, a type of fiber that helps to improve satiety. Additionally, pectin supports digestion and healthy sugar metabolism.

Lastly, squash is remarkably high in B-complex vitamins, which are depleted with alcohol consumption and stress. B-complex vitamins improve your energy levels and mood.

How to Pick Butternut Squash

First things first: We need to pick out a good butternut squash. Make sure to look for a squash that:

  • is firm and feels heavy for its size
  • is a dark shade of beige
  • has matted (rather than glossy) skin

How to Cut Open Butternut Squash

Next, butternut squash are notoriously difficult to open. Here’s how to open one safely:

  1. Slice the ends off with a sharp knife.
  2. Peel the skin off with a Y-shaped vegetable peeler.
  3. Cut off the bulbous end of the squash. Slice it in half and scoop out the seeds.

I like setting the seeds aside so that I can clean and then roast them. They make a delicious garnish!

Recipes – HUM Nutrition Blog

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