Endometriosis diet: Studies & experts recommend one of the best diets to reduce symptoms

Endometriosis is a long-term condition where tissue similar to the lining of the womb grows in other places, such as the ovaries and fallopian tubes. Symptoms of the condition can include pain in the lower stomach, severe period pain or pain during or after sex. The condition can also cause infertility for some woman. Can a diet help to reduce these symptoms?

One study found that more than 70 percent of participants with both endometriosis and IBS-like symptoms reported bowel relief when they eliminated high-FODMAP foods

“The low-FODMAP diet just de-stresses the gut,” said Dr Rebecca Burgell, a gastroenterologist at Monash.

She added: “Because it reduces the distention of the bowel and it reduces the amount of gas formed in the bowel, it just seems to de-stress the bowel in those that are over responsive to normal stimuli.”

What is low-FODMAP?

FODMAPs are types of carbohydrates found in certain foods, including wheat and beans.

Studies have shown strong links between FODMAPs and digestive symptoms like gas, bloating, stomach pain, diarrhoea and constipation.

Low-FODMAP diets can provide remarkable benefits for many people with common digestive disorders.

FODMAP stands for “fermentable oligo-, di-, mono-saccharides and polyols”.

These are short chain carbs that are resistant to digestion. Instead of being absorbed into your bloodstream, they reach the far end of your intestine where most of your gut bacteria reside.

Your gut bacteria then use these carbs for fuel, producing hydrogen gas and causing digestive symptoms in sensitive individuals.

What to eat on a low-FODMAP diet?

  • Eggs and meat
  • Certain cheeses such as brie, Camembert, cheddar and feta
  • Almond milk
  • Grains like rice, quinoa and oats
  • Vegetables like eggplant, potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers and zucchini
  • Fruits such as grapes, oranges, strawberries, blueberries and pineapple

Daily Express :: Health Feed

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