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Covid vaccine: What’s your risk of catching coronavirus after having the jabs?

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King’s College London shared preliminary results of their data analysis of more than 1.1 million app contributors to the Covid Symptom Study. All participants had either had one or two doses of the Pfizer or AstraZeneca jab. Two weeks post injection – when full immunity kicks in – reduced the chances of becoming infected with Covid. However there was one caveat, following vaccination, your individual risk of infection depended on the prevalence of Covid in your area at any given time.

Do the symptoms differ pre and post vaccination if you caught Covid?

Symptoms such as loss of smell, cough, fever, headaches and fatigue were reported by people who had Covid regardless of whether they had been vaccinated or not.

However, the vaccinated group did report fewer symptoms over a shorter period of time if they had Covid.

This supports the notion that Covid vaccinations can dampen the effects of Covid disease.

In summary, Covid vaccinations:

  • Decreased severity of disease
  • Decreased longevity of disease
  • Reduced risk of reinfection

Curiously, people who had been vaccinated and then caught Covid were more likely to report sneezing as a symptom than the non-vaccinated group.

It’s for this reason that the scientists urge anybody who has been vaccinated, who is now sneezing, to be tested for Covid.

The scientists emphasise that “no vaccine is 100 percent effective – even for the healthiest among us”.

This is why following government guidelines on rapid flow testing, good hygiene, and social mixing is paramount.

Daily Express :: Health Feed

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