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‘Genes can directly cause obesity’ – how intermittent fasting can rewire your metabolism

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Weight loss is achieved through eating in a calorie deficit which means eating fewer calories than the body is burning. However it isn’t that simple for everyone and according to experts, genes can actually play a huge part in the struggle to lose the pounds.

One of the diets that the experts put the slimmers on was the intermittent fasting plan, which is thought to help tackle genetic urges to eat.

The nutritionist on the show, Sophie Medlin, explained to the volunteers: “What we would like you to think about is doing intermittent fasting, so where you’re very motivated by food and where you’re thinking about it constantly, we’re trying to get a strategy in place where there’s only a few days a week where you have to think about it and the rest of the time you can relax and not worry about it too much.”

Intermittent fasting is an umbrella term for various different eating patterns, all of which have been linked to weight loss.

The popular diet plan can also help to boost the metabolism.

This can help to suppress appetite, which will then help with eating less throughout the day.

The fasting days are usually restricted to around 500 or 600 calories but it is a good idea to consult a doctor before undergoing any intense diet as each body needs a different amount of calories.

Women are usually allowed around 500 while men a few more at 600.

On the day of fast, calorie-free beverages are allowed such as water, black or green tea and coffee.

On the day of feast, you can consume whatever food or drink you like.

Studies have shown that intermittent fasting can help you lose weight and shed belly fat.

This is because insulin increases when you eat. During the fasting period, insulin levels drop dramatically and lower insulin levels facilitate fat burning.

According to a recent survey by International Food Information Council Foundation, intermittent fasting proved to be one of the most popular diets to follow with many benefits including weight loss. 

Celebrities who love the 5:2 fasting diet include Phillip Schofield and Hollyoaks actress Jennifer Metcalfe, both of whom lost weight while following it.

This Morning presenter Phillip lost 9lb in just four weeks when he first started the diet.

Intermittent fasting also works because slimmers’ overall weekly calorie intake is reduced due to the two days of fast. 

Daily Express :: Diets Feed

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